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Meet the Team: Meet the Team


Managing Director & Founder

Ian is a chartered civil engineer with over 40 years experience in the construction industry having worked on major construction projects in the UK and Trinidad and managed Mott MacDonalds Cardiff office for over 20 years.

As chair for the ICE in Wales in 2000, he set up EFOD originally as a subgroup of the ICE which grew into an independent charitable company in 2011.

He is a fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers and was awarded an OBE in 2006 for services to Civil Engineering and International Development.




Jane is a water engineer and project manager. She first visited Uganda in 2012 and worked on post-project appraisals for EFOD. On her return to the UK she joined the North West branch and participated in the Mam Riang grain store and Kathy's Centre projects.

Inspired by her work with EFOD, she undertook an MSc in Human Rights in 2015.
In 2020 she was nominated for the Top 50 Women in Engineering: Sustainability. She is now a Climate Change Project Manager for a local authority working towards net carbon zero.
Jane also brings her experience as a director of a UK women's aid charity.





Julian in a Fellow of the Institute of Civil Engineers and Chartered with the Institute of Highways and Transportation with over 25 years experience designing bridges and structures.

He's the Managing Director of Crouch Waterfall design consultancy and has worked in many challenging areas worldwide including Papua New Guinea, Ghana and Jamaica.

Julian joined the the EFOD board in 2020 as he believes it is a great way for developing engineers to build the tools and capabilities for a successful career.



Management Team

Dave is a Chartered Civil Engineer having worked a mish-mash of jobs all around bridge engineering including design, fabrication, installation, non-destructive testing and presently in structural monitoring.

His work has taken him across the world building rural bridges in Sri Lanka and the Philippines to managing data of the Queensferry Bridge in Scotland.

Dave is responsible for EFOD technical matters and sign-off. He provides technical assurance to schemes, ensuring designs are safe for construction.



Management Team

Steve is a retired Mechanical Engineer with extensive experience in project management ranging from working for the MoD on explosive ordnance, to a not for profit organisation visiting over 250 UK secondary schools on a mobile (45' articulated trailer) interactive PSHE initiative.

In 2007, Steve set up the charity - Acacia Partnership Trust. As chair of Trustees he was involved with activities in Burkina Faso including building and running a school, sponsoring children through High School education and well drilling.

Steve joined the EFOD board in 2020. 




Following graduation from Nottingham University in Theology, Helen completed a Diploma and worked as a Careers Officer in Liverpool.

She had a career break to care for her family before retraining as a Primary School Teacher and teaching in Cardiff, retiring in 2008.  

She first visited Uganda in 2000, and has returned annually working for both EFOD and SaltPeter Trust. She has been the EFOD Treasurer since 2011.

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